Kids' Long-term Swimming Training program

"Swimsquare Aquatic Center's Kids' Long-term Swimming Training Programs offer a structured curriculum with progressive skill sets, designed to take your child from basic skill to high proficiency."

Stoke School


Age Group-Competive

Learn to Swim


Learn to Swim - Basis

Program Overview: The Learn to Swim for Kids program is designed to introduce children to the joy of swimming and develop essential water safety skills. This program aims to provide a safe and supportive environment where children can learn and progress at their own pace. Through engaging activities and experienced instructors, children will gain confidence, improve their swimming abilities, and develop a lifelong love for the water.

Program Details:

Age Group:

  • The program is open to children between the ages of 6 and 12.

  • Age-appropriate groups and classes are formed to ensure children receive instruction suited to their developmental needs and skill levels.

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum is designed to progressively teach children basic swimming skills, water safety knowledge, and confidence in the water.

  • Skills covered may include water acclimation, floating, breathing, kicking, arm movements.

  • Water safety practices, such as entering and exiting the water safely, recognizing and responding to emergency situations, and understanding pool rules are emphasized.

Class Structure:

  • Short-term program of 2-3 weeks

  • Classes are typically conducted in small groups to ensure individual attention and personalized instruction.

  • Each class is led by experienced and certified instructors who create a fun and supportive learning environment.

  • Classes may range from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the age and skill level of the participants.

Safety Measures:

  • The program maintains a strong focus on water safety, with instructors ensuring a safe learning environment at all times.

  • Certified lifeguards or additional staff members may be present to monitor pool safety and assist in emergency situations.

  • Safety rules, such as no running, proper use of floatation devices, and staying within designated areas, are reinforced throughout the program.

Learn to Swim - Level 1

Program Overview: The Advanced Learn to Swim - Level 1 program is designed for children who have already gained basic swimming skills and are ready to progress to more advanced techniques and water safety practices. This program focuses on refining and building upon foundational skills while introducing new swimming strokes and more complex water activities. Through expert instruction and engaging exercises, children will further develop their swimming abilities, improve endurance, and enhance their overall water competency.

Program Details:


  • Completion of a basic Learn to Swim program or demonstration of proficiency in foundational swimming skills.

  • Children should be comfortable in the water, able to submerge, float with support, and demonstrate basic kicking and arm movements.

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum emphasizes stroke development, water safety, and improved technique.

  • Skills covered may include refining freestyle and backstroke techniques

  • Water safety knowledge is reinforced, including recognizing and avoiding potential hazards, safe diving techniques, and rescuing techniques.

Class Structure:

  • Classes are typically conducted in small groups to allow for individual attention and focused instruction.

  • Each class is led by experienced and certified instructors who provide personalized guidance and feedback.

  • The class duration may range from 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the program and the age and skill level of the participants.

Progressive Learning:

  • The program follows a progressive structure, with different levels or stages within Level 1 to cater to children's skill advancement.

  • Children will work on mastering specific skills and techniques before progressing to the next level.

  • New challenges and exercises are introduced gradually to ensure a smooth transition from basic swimming to more advanced strokes and techniques.

Endurance and Technique Development:

  • Emphasis is placed on building endurance and stamina through increased swim distances and timed activities.

  • Instructors provide guidance on stroke refinement, body positioning, proper breathing techniques, and coordination to enhance overall swimming technique.

  • Water Safety and Rescue Skills:

  • Water safety remains a priority, and children will continue to learn and practice important water safety rules and practices.

  • Rescue skills, such as reaching assists, treading water, and safe entry techniques, may be introduced to enhance children's confidence and preparedness in emergency situations.

Progress Tracking and Advancement:

  • Ongoing assessments and evaluations are conducted to track individual progress and determine readiness for advancement to the next level.

  • Certificates or badges may be awarded upon completion of the Advanced Learn to Swim - Level 1 program.

Intermediate - Level-2

Program Overview: The Intermediate Level-2 Swimming program is designed for swimmers who have already acquired foundational swimming skills and have completed the Advanced Learn to Swim - Level 1 program or demonstrated proficiency in the required skills. This program focuses on refining stroke techniques, building endurance, and introducing more advanced swimming concepts. Swimmers in this program will enhance their swimming abilities, develop competitive skills, and gain a deeper understanding of proper swimming mechanics.

Program Details:


  • Completing the Advanced Learn to Swim - Level 1 program or demonstrating proficiency in the required skills.

  • Swimmers should be comfortable swimming freestyle and backstroke

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum emphasizes stroke refinement, efficiency, and introduction to more advanced swimming concepts.

  • Skills covered may include further developing stroke techniques, improving flip turns, diving techniques, and building overall endurance.

  • Introduction to competitive swimming skills, such as starts, turns, and race strategies, may be included.

Class Structure:

  • Classes are conducted in small groups to allow for personalized attention and focused instruction.

  • Certified instructors lead the classes, providing guidance on stroke technique, endurance training, and advanced skills.

  • Class duration typically ranges from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the program and the age and skill level of the participants.

Stroke Refinement:

  • Emphasis is placed on refining stroke techniques, including freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.

  • Instructors provide individualized feedback and corrective guidance to help swimmers improve efficiency, body alignment, and rhythm in their strokes.

  • Drills and exercises are incorporated to target specific areas of improvement and enhance overall stroke mechanics.

Endurance and Fitness Training:

  • The program includes activities and workouts to improve swimmers' endurance, stamina, and cardiovascular fitness.

  • Swimmers will participate in longer-distance swims, timed intervals, and progressively challenging workouts to build their endurance capacity.

Introduction to Competitive Skills:

  • Swimmers will be introduced to competitive swimming skills and concepts.

  • Techniques for starts, turns and finishes will be taught, focusing on efficiency and speed.

  • Race strategies and pacing will be discussed to develop swimmers' understanding of competitive swimming.

Progress Tracking and Advancement:

  • Regular assessments and evaluations are conducted to track individual progress and determine readiness for advancement to the next level.

  • Swimmers may have the opportunity to participate in local swimming competitions or time trials to apply their skills and measure progress.

Stoke School Level-3

Program Overview: The Stroke School Level-3 program is designed for swimmers who have achieved a solid foundation in swimming and have completed the Intermediate Level-2 program or demonstrated proficiency in the required skills. This program focuses on refining stroke techniques, building endurance, and preparing swimmers for competitive swimming. Swimmers in this program will further develop their stroke mechanics, improve speed and efficiency, and gain a deeper understanding of advanced swimming concepts.

Program Details:


  • Completing the Intermediate Level-2 program or demonstrating proficiency in the required skills.

  • Swimmers should understand all four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly) and be comfortable with competitive swimming skills.

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum emphasizes advanced stroke mechanics, efficiency, and competitive swimming skills.

  • Skills covered may include further refining stroke techniques, perfecting starts and turns, developing underwater dolphin kicks, and enhancing overall speed and efficiency.

  • An introduction to race strategies, pacing, and more advanced training principles may be included.

Class Structure:

  • Classes are conducted in small groups to allow for individualized attention and focused instruction.

  • Certified instructors with experience in competitive swimming lead the classes, providing guidance on stroke refinement, race skills, and advanced training techniques.

  • Class duration typically ranges from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the program and the age and skill level of the participants.

Advanced Stroke Refinement:

  • Emphasis is placed on further refining stroke techniques across all four competitive strokes.

  • Instructors provide detailed analysis and feedback to help swimmers improve body position, timing, and efficiency in their strokes.

  • Advanced drills and specialized exercises are incorporated to target specific areas of improvement and enhance overall stroke mechanics.

Competitive Skills Development:

  • Swimmers will further develop competitive swimming skills, focusing on starts, turns, finishes, and underwater dolphin kicks.

  • Techniques for efficient and powerful turns, including flip turns and open turns, will be taught and refined.

  • Race strategies, including pacing, stroke rate, and tactical considerations, will be discussed to enhance swimmers' competitive performance.

Endurance Training and Advanced Conditioning:

  • The program includes rigorous endurance training and conditioning exercises to improve swimmers' stamina, speed, and overall fitness.

  • Swimmers will engage in challenging interval training, distance sets, and structured workouts to enhance their cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.

Introduction to Competition:

  • Swimmers will have opportunities to participate in competitive swim meets or time trials to apply their skills and gain competition experience.

  • Coaches may provide guidance and support during competitions, including pre-race preparation, race analysis, and post-race feedback.

Progress Tracking and Advancement:

  • Regular assessments and evaluations are conducted to track individual progress and determine readiness for advancement to the next level.

  • Swimmers may have the opportunity to qualify for higher-level competitive swim programs or teams based on their performance and commitment.

Pre-Competitive Level-4

Program Overview: The Pre-Competitive Level-5 program is designed for swimmers who have developed advanced swimming skills and are preparing to transition into competitive swimming. This program focuses on further refining stroke techniques, building endurance, and introducing more specialized training methods. Swimmers in this program will enhance their competitive swimming abilities, improve race strategies, and prepare for competitive swim meets.

Program Details:


  • Successful completion of the Stroke School Level-3 program or demonstration of proficiency in the required skills.

  • Swimmers should have a strong understanding and proficiency in all four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly) and be ready for more intensive training.

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum emphasizes advanced stroke techniques, competitive skills, and race strategies.

  • Skills covered may include further refining stroke mechanics, improving starts and turns, developing advanced underwater dolphin kicks, and enhancing overall speed and efficiency.

  • An introduction to advanced training principles, race pacing, and more specialized training methods may be included.

Class Structure:

  • Classes are conducted in small groups to allow for personalized attention and focused instruction.

  • Certified coaches with experience in competitive swimming lead the classes, providing guidance on stroke refinement, race strategies, and advanced training techniques.

  • Class duration typically ranges from 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the program and the age and skill level of the participants.

Advanced Stroke Refinement:

  • Emphasis is placed on further refining stroke techniques across all four competitive strokes.

  • Coaches provide in-depth analysis and feedback to help swimmers improve body position, timing, and efficiency in their strokes.

  • Specialized drills and exercises are incorporated to target specific areas of improvement and enhance overall stroke mechanics.

Competitive Skills Development:

  • Swimmers will further develop competitive swimming skills, focusing on starts, turns, finishes, and underwater dolphin kicks.

  • Techniques for efficient and powerful turns, including flip turns and open turns, will be taught and refined.

  • Race strategies, including pacing, stroke rate, race-specific training, and tactical considerations, will be discussed and implemented.

Endurance Training and Specialized Conditioning:

  • The program includes intensive endurance training and specialized conditioning exercises to improve swimmers' stamina, speed, and overall fitness.

  • Swimmers will engage in challenging interval training, distance sets, and structured workouts tailored to their specific event specialities.

  • Dryland exercises, including strength training and flexibility routines, may be incorporated to enhance overall athletic performance.

Competition Preparation:

  • Swimmers will have increased opportunities to participate in competitive swim meets, including local and regional events.

  • Coaches will provide guidance and support during competitions, including pre-race preparation, race analysis, and post-race feedback.

  • Swimmers will learn strategies for managing competition nerves, setting goals, and achieving optimal performance.

Progress Tracking and Advancement:

  • Regular assessments and evaluations are conducted to track individual progress and determine readiness for higher-level competitive swim programs or teams.

  • Swimmers will have opportunities to qualify for more advanced competitive levels based on their performance, commitment, and dedication.

Competitive Level-5

Program Overview: The Age Group Competitive Level-6 program is designed for experienced and dedicated swimmers who are committed to competitive swimming at an advanced level. This program focuses on refining stroke techniques, building strength and endurance, and preparing swimmers for higher-level competitions. Swimmers in this program will enhance their competitive swimming abilities, improve race strategies, and strive for personal and team achievements.

Program Details:


  • Completing the Pre-Competitive Level-5 program or demonstrating proficiency in the required skills.

  • Swimmers should possess a strong understanding and mastery of all four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly) and demonstrate a high level of commitment to training and competition.

Curriculum and Skills:

  • The curriculum emphasizes advanced stroke techniques, competitive skills, and race strategies at a higher level of intensity.

  • Skills covered may include further refining stroke mechanics, enhancing starts and turns, optimizing underwater dolphin kicks, and developing advanced training methodologies.

  • An in-depth analysis of race strategies, pacing, and advanced training principles will be integrated into the program.

Training Structure:

  • Training sessions are conducted in small groups or with individualized attention to cater to the specific needs of each swimmer.

  • Certified coaches with extensive experience in competitive swimming lead the training sessions, focusing on stroke refinement, race strategies, and advanced training techniques.

  • Training sessions typically range from 2 to 3 hours, with additional dryland exercises incorporated to enhance overall performance.

Stroke Refinement and Efficiency:

  • Emphasis is placed on further refining stroke techniques across all four competitive strokes.

  • Coaches provide detailed feedback and correction to help swimmers improve body position, propulsion, and efficiency in their strokes.

  • Advanced drills, video analysis, and specialized exercises are utilized to target specific areas of improvement and enhance overall stroke mechanics.

Advanced Training Methods:

  • Swimmers will engage in structured and intensive training sessions aimed at building strength, endurance, and speed.

  • Training methodologies may include interval training, race-specific workouts, high-intensity sets, and periodization cycles tailored to each swimmer's individual goals and events.

  • Dryland exercises, including strength training, flexibility routines, and core stability work, will be incorporated to enhance overall athletic performance.

Competition Preparation and Achievement:

  • Swimmers will participate in regional and national-level competitions, striving for personal bests, team records, and qualification for higher-level meets.

  • Coaches will provide comprehensive competition preparation, including race strategy development, mental preparedness, and performance analysis.

  • Swimmers will have opportunities to compete in a variety of events, distances, and strokes to showcase their skills and compete against their peers.

Goal Setting and Progression:

  • Swimmers will work closely with coaches to set individual goals, establish training plans, and track progress.

  • Regular assessments, time trials, and performance evaluations will be conducted to monitor improvement, identify areas for growth, and determine readiness for higher-level competitive programs.

Commitment and Team Dynamics:

  • Swimmers in this program are expected to demonstrate a high level of commitment, discipline, and dedication to training and team goals.

  • Team-building activities, collaboration, and support among teammates will be encouraged to foster a positive and cohesive team environment.